Our Conversation.
The overarching question is: ‘How can Watson & Gabb become “greener”?’ The construction and development industry is culpable for the majority of the world’s waste, and with the design industry becoming just as trend-focussed as the fashion industry, there is a huge danger of designing for the “moment” rather than with longevity and sustainability in mind. As a workshop and a business, Watson & Gabb have long championed using reclaimed material and recycling/up-cycling as much as is feasible. Watson & Gabb work to find approaches that confront the traditional methods in order to find a less wasteful attitude to commercial and residential design. We’re always looking for ways to be kinder to the planet, and our team are committed to keep challenging ourselves.
Watson & Gabb select methods and materials based on their environmental impact. We are dedicated to continuously improving the sustainability level of our sourcing by favouring stricter and more credible certification and verification standards and sourcing requirements. Watson & Gabb are committed to avoiding sourcing from unknown or unsustainable sources.
Solid metal is replaced with substrate parts. 90% less metal – a more environmentally friendly solution.
Procuring timber and timber-products from legal and, where possible, well-managed forests that are certified according to credible certification standards, or are from post-consumer recycled materials.
Using composite materials – a combination of natural raw materials with a special blend of water-based pure acrylic polymers - as opposed to solvent-based - making it kinder to the environment. The chemicals and other non-natural materials with which Watson & Gabb work must be the most environmentally friendly option there is, whilst remaining fit for purpose. In addition to this, all products must be transported, used and disposed of in accordance with local best practice and manufacturer’s guidelines. Watson & Gabb will ensure that information about suppliers and sources of material are evaluated, and that the necessary information is collected to enable effective risk assessment.
Watson & Gabb will look to waste as a key ingredient in manufacturing. Divert it from landfill, using innovations to include it in new products.
To optimise the innovation, by-products and opportunities of other corporations to further your sustainable footprint.
Watson & Gabb will encourage consumers to engage in a sustainable lifestyle through experiences, from creating a second use for products to working alongside local communities.
To take the sustainable message beyond the final product.